
Lecture at the University of Luxembourg


Energy neutrality at municipal wastewater treatment plants - reality or wishful thinking?

The Bauforum at the University of Luxembourg is a series of events initiated by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Hansen, a forum for dialogue between experts and students from the fields of building, planning and construction from Luxembourg and neighbouring countries.

On 27 November 2023, the Managing Director of BITControl, Norbert Meyer, described the path to energy neutrality at wastewater treatment plants at the Bauforum.

Conclusion: Energy neutrality at wastewater treatment plants is possible. The topic is a network topic. This is demonstrated by the path described above, from basic data collection and validation to energy efficiency and the expansion of renewable energies through to higher-level load management.

This was followed by a lively discussion in a very competent setting. The hydrogen and 4th purification stage components were also discussed.

Further contributions

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