
Modernisation and optimisation of the Ober-Bessingen wastewater treatment plant


We have modernised the mechanical, process and electrical engineering at the Ober-Bessingen wastewater treatment plant. The improvement in cleaning performance is immediately apparent.
We will analyse energy efficiency with PROVI ENERGY. This is now under construction.
We then harmonise producers and consumers in order to minimise energy consumption. The many trackers in Ober-Bessingen are particularly interesting. This creates another particularly interesting load profile.

BITControl has a very special interdisciplinary team. Our process engineers work with the customer to develop the best cleaning process for the existing system in terms of cleaning and energy efficiency. The mechanical engineers plan state-of-the-art plant technology and the electrical engineers, together with the process engineers, bring intelligence to the automation in addition to the basic electrical equipment. Our programmers have developed powerful tools for analysing plant operation and prepare the data clearly for operation.

This means that the customer not only receives a modern system that meets current requirements, but also the tools to operate this system efficiently and economically in the long term.

Further contributions

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