
CO2 reduction with BITControl


As in previous years, BITControl calculated the CO2 emissions for electricity, heat and motor vehicles for the years 2021 to 2023. CO2 emissions have fallen steadily despite a growing number of employees. This was achieved by replacing the oil heating system in 2021 and converting the vehicle fleet to purely electric cars or plug-in hybrids, combined with the expansion of e-charging stations, PV systems and battery storage. At BITControl, the controversial plug-in hybrids are consistently fuelled and driven electrically. This allows us to achieve a share of 50% of electric mileage in some cases.

CO2 reduction - target in the QM system

Since 2021, the CO2 reduction - we want to achieve 40% by the end of 2025 compared to 2018 - has been anchored as a target in our ISO 9001 QM system. In 2023, we achieved a reduction of 38.9%, so we are already very close to the 2025 target.

We are on the right track, are continuing to reduce emissions and will expand our climate protection management in 2024.

CO2 compensation with Moorland share certificates

We offset the CO2 emissions in 2021 and 2022 with Moorland share certificates and plan to do so again in 2023. With the Moorland Climate Donation, we are supporting the rewetting of moors with practical measures as well as condition monitoring for the next 25 years.

Further contributions

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