Concepts, Studies and Analyses


Energy efficiency and feasibility studies, electrolysis at wastewater treatment plants, selection of the right process control system, emergency power concepts - BITControl has extensive experience and expertise in analysing a wide range of topics in wastewater treatment and water supply.

From mechanical and systems engineering to electrical engineering and digitalisation, our broad-based planning and software team enables us to take all aspects into account in our analyses.

Our services at a glance:

  • Feasibility studies and energy management (strategic climate protection measures, promotion of municipal guidelines)
  • Renewable energies: Formation of balancing groups across several properties
  • Concepts for renewable energies: PV potential for roof areas, open spaces, tracker systems with charging infrastructure and storage systems
  • Creation of emergency power supply concepts (DWA-M 320 Ensuring wastewater disposal in the event of a power failure) with risk assessment
  • Studies on telecontrol and process control technology, with KRITIS consideration
  • Calculations of plant capacity and reserves of existing wastewater treatment plants
  • Expansion concepts for wastewater treatment plants
  • and further analyses and studies.

Our claim:

Plant optimisation always also means improving cleaning performance, reducing the use of resources and ensuring a high level of process transparency in order to achieve long-term goals.

We have developed a path for the optimisation of wastewater treatment plants, pumping stations and water supply systems based on our wide-ranging experience from modernisation projects and studies:

  • Firstly, sufficient process transparency should be created in order to be able to make a well-founded assessment of plant operation and processes.
  • Energy efficiency potential must then be realised. At the same time, the process must be designed in such a way that a high and stable cleaning performance is ensured.
  • The remaining energy requirement is to be covered by renewable energies. The controlled operation of CHP units and gas tanks, the correct design of photovoltaics and the use of energy storage systems must be examined.
  • Finally, consumption and generation must be coordinated through good load management so that electricity consumption is minimised.
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