Energy efficiency is a top priority in every one of our planning projects, because every kWh that is not consumed does not have to be generated. Energy-efficient operation can only be achieved through customised process engineering in conjunction with modern machine and EI&C technology and a high level of process transparency.

Energy Efficiency

Of course, cleaning performance always takes priority. However, an increase in energy efficiency often goes hand in hand with an improvement in cleaning performance. Correctly adjusted aeration also leads to lower nitrate and Nges effluent values. Many of the systems we have optimised demonstrate this correlation.

Once the energy efficiency potential of a wastewater treatment plant has been realised, the remaining electricity consumption must be replaced by renewable energies. On the generation side, renewable energies are the building block on the path to an energy-neutral wastewater treatment plant. Here it is important to look at the interaction between producers and consumers and to develop intelligent energy management for plant operation.

Our process, mechanical and electrical engineers and our software developers work together as a team to achieve this.

On wastewater treatment plants modernised by us, we achieve up to 42 % lower energy requirement than results from the DWA performance comparison 2020 for size class 4.

Renewable Energies

Once the energy saving potential has been realised, the remaining electricity demand must be covered by renewable energies. This usually means that in the case of wastewater treatment plants with separate anaerobic sludge stabilisation, a large part of the electricity requirement and the entire heat requirement must be covered by renewable energies. CHPThe gap in electricity demand that remains after energy optimisation is then covered by Photovoltaics. Photovoltaik geschlossen.

Depending on the building and terrain situation, there are different economic constellations from pure south orientation, east/west orientation to tracking systems.

Ob ein Energiespeicher The economic viability of a energy storage system depends largely on the ratio of energy generated to direct consumption and, of course, the load profile.

A Balancing group must always be discussed. If large generation capacities can be created at one location, the electricity can be distributed to other consumers via the electricity grid using a balancing group.

Energy Management

The aim of energy optimisation and increasing renewable generation capacity is generally to minimise electricity consumption. This can only be achieved if consumers and generators are coordinated as well as possible and the generators are operated in such a way that the energy potential is optimally utilised. If sufficient photovoltaic power is available, the CHP units should be shut down. Certain consumers should be operated in such a way that they run when sufficient renewable electricity is available.

After all, it is not enough to simply close an electricity gap with more photovoltaics. If you want to operate an energy management system, the existing CHP units must also be able to process the available gas in a shorter period of time, as they are switched off temporarily or operated at a reduced level in good weather.

Also the gas storage must be large enough to store the gas during reduced CHP operation and then make it available at night, for example.