Our engineers and technicians come from the field. We take over the Technical planning for mechanical and electrical engineering for all planning phases, including construction supervision.

We engage in intensive dialogue with the operator at every planning stage - because nobody knows the facility better than the people who work there every day. Together, we analyse the existing situation, draw up a catalogue of requirements and discuss various options.

Mechanical and process engineering

Our machine and process technicians (engineers, foremen, technicians) provide you with planning support for the optimisation and modernisation of pumping stations, sewage treatment plants and water supply systems. Simply replacing components is rarely the best solution. We always consider the general conditions, loads or water volumes.

Important aspects are always:

  • intensive discussion and coordination with the operating personnel,
  • the actual current load and the load fluctuations,
  • the optimum process and machine technology for the given structural systems,
  • a flexible design of the process and system technology so that it is easy to react to changing operating conditions,
  • adequate measurement technology as a prerequisite for high process transparency,
  • efficient measurement, control and regulation technology,
  • and a meaningful evaluation of the process data.

Electrical engineering, measurement and control technology

The Electrical, measurement, control and regulation technology is an important component of every wastewater treatment plant and water supply system. BITControl plans new systems and optimises and modernises existing systems. The existing EI&C technology is not simply replaced 1:1, but process engineering aspects and the topic of energy efficiency are (almost) always taken into account.

We always pay particular attention to the Measurement technology. Because the basis of every digitalisation measure is always good data acquisition. Process transparency is the basis of every energy-, resource- and cleaning-efficient operation.

Our planning services at a glance

  • Planning new construction and modernisation of Sewage treatment plants for machine and EMSR technology
  • Electrotechnical planning of Modernisation of switchgear in pumping stations, sewage treatment plants and water supply systems
  • Recalculate existing plants
  • Comparison of different process engineering variants
  • Preparation of explosion protection documents and plans, recurring ATEX testing
  • Studies for the optimisation and modernisation of systems, process control and telecontrol technology, energy optimisation, measured value recording
  • Feasibility studies in accordance with municipal guidelines (KSI funding) and implementation of the measures
  • Concepts for Emergency power systems (KRITIS) with risk assessment