
Foundation of Eifelkreis digital


BITControl is a founding member of the "Eifelkreis digital" association for the promotion of artificial intelligence in the Eifel district of Bitburg-Prüm

Companies in the Eifel district of Bitburg-Prüm and the Bitburg-Prüm district administration founded the Eifelkreis digital In close cooperation with the DFKI "German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence", the association has set itself the goal of researching and developing innovative technologies with a focus on artificial intelligence for the benefit of the Eifel district, the companies based here and the population.

The founding companies include well-known companies in the district, such as Bitburger Brauerei, Tesla, Zahnen-Technik and, of course, BITControl.

We have already been able to gain initial experience in an AI project in the Sprendlingen-Gensingen local authority in collaboration with Professor Oelmann from the Ruhr West University of Applied Sciences and are currently in the process of generating further projects. The AI tools are intended to support us in particular in our energy efficiency projects and in the expansion of PROVI ENERGY.

Further contributions

News from BITControl

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